Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reinvent yourself

This post marks my internet reinvention. Not really. I've just moved. New url and empty archives. I felt like I needed it. My old blog is still there. I just won't use it anymore. The list of reasons I have for moving is long and I won't share, but wanting to be more honest is one of the reasons.

I will write about myself & everything that interests me. I'm going to be positive and show you what I'm thinking of, what I'm doing and hopefully I will be able to keep a decent personal blog that might just be focused on stuff that you could call pop-cultural.

Oh and my name is Kiwie. I'm lying, it's just a nickname, but I like it so there. I'm no longer namelsess Sheena, but I am still faceless(not for long though!).

See you around^^